Saturday, 9 November 2013

To Create Your Own Social Network Website

To Create Your Own Social Network Website


Top 10 reasons to choose Jcow
Handle more traffic - Clean codes and Dynamic caching can lower the CPU load and 
speed up your website.
Make your site more interactive - Well designed Jcow applications help you members to connect and communicate with others more effectively.
Add questions to the Registration Form - You can add new member fields, which will be displayed to the registration form, profile form, and the member browsing form.
Easily share stuff - Within the AJAX sharing Box, your members can publish status,
 photos, videos, and blogs.
Customize and Extend your Jcow Network - A Jcow network consists of core apps(like "Friends" and "Messages") and optional apps(like "Blogs" and ""Videos"). You can enable/disable optional apps. You can also develop your own apps.
Every profile could be Unique - Members can customize their own profile theme and 
add music player to the page.
Members know what's happening to them - Profile was commented, photo was
 commented, forum post was replied, comment was replied,... The "Notifications" 
tell everything to the member.
The power of "Following" - The Twitter's success tells us that people like to know the
 updates from those they are interested in.
Give permissions the way you want - Jcow permissions depend on "Member Roles".
 You can edit roles and give a member multiple roles. This logic enables you to members 
more easily.
Make money from your Network - With the Ads management, you can easily insert ads 
codes like Google Adsense. You can also let Jcow hide the ad to specified member roles. 

Latest version: 5.2.1
Download | Demo

Admin Panel Demo

Please download Free version and install to your own server.

For More Information

Create Super Fans

Build a following
Integrate with Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to create a social hub. Empower the community to build out your fan base.

Inspire connections between shows
Create a social space for fans to talk, share and build excitement even when you aren’t there.

Distribute content with complete control
Own your brand and push out your content with branded media players.

Foster deep relationships with fans
Collect email addresses and create member profiles to connect with your fans.
Product Features

    * Forums, blog and photos to generate excitement
    * Custom, brandable video and music player
    * Advertising and revenue generating solutions
    * Seamless integration with Facebook, Twitter and YouTube
    * Design freedom to create a premium brand experience

For more Information

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